This is Ruby's first adventure outside of her dank basement office. A late night visit to her "man on the inside" Rick, to collect some much needed information and sexual tension.
If I may say so, it's looking extraordinarily beautiful! Episodes 4 and 5 next week! (God willing)
The first show is sent to Aniboom today, right on schedule! Unfortunately, they've asked me not to post it on the web, and I appreciate their position. Watch for it soon on In the meantime, here's some screen shots...
It looks and sounds great! Thanks to everybody who contributed! One down, four to go!
Marshall Short is doing a terrific job on the backgrounds! Maintaining the spirit of my original oil paintings for the first Ruby short, but doing it digitally, and much faster than I could. He took on a huge task (I was hoping Ruby would never leave her office!) and it's looking great!
We're going to have to write a few new scenes to take place in that dining room so it gets more screen time!
I've been working on determining the settings for the final composites of Episode 3. Thought I'd share the results. The compression makes it look pretty crappy, but I better get used to that. It's a web cartoon, after all. You should see it in it's HD glory!